How to Derive Responsibility Id , Responsibility application id in MSCA(Mobile Supply Chain Application)

Classes to import
import oracle.apps.fnd.common.AppsContext;// added for v1.7
import oracle.apps.fnd.common.EnvironmentStore;// added for v1.7

Write  below code

AppsContext localAppsContext = (AppsContext)session.getObject("CTX");
     String str22 = localAppsContext.getEnvStore().getEnv("RESP_ID");
    String str33 = localAppsContext.getEnvStore().getEnv("RESP_APPL_ID");
                UtilFns.trace("INSIDE PICKAGE PKG RESP_ID --"+ str22);
             UtilFns.trace("INSIDE PICKAGE PKG RESP_appl_ID --"+ str33);


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