Integration of Java Cloud services with Jdeveloper tool


Java Cloud Service (JCS) provides a platform to develop and deploy business applications in the cloud. In Fusion Applications Cloud deployments customers do not have the option to deploy custom applications developed with JDeveloper to ensure the integrity and supportability of the hosted application service. Instead, the custom applications can be deployed to the JCS and integrated into the Fusion Application Cloud instance.


JDeveloper Integration required with JCS for the deployment of ADF applications. Integration with JCS is mostly wizard-based.

To access Java service details, we need to log on to Oracle Cloud account with credentials 

After successful login we will find the services assigned to the respective account.

E.g. here we have apex2 as DBCS (Database Cloud Service), java2 as Java Cloud Service, and ERP(SaaS).


Configuring Database Cloud service Jdeveloper will provide a list of objects and also can used for Database Carting.

All DBCS details need to be configured in Jdeveloper like Service Name, SFTP Details. Following details can be avail through DBCS.  All required details for Jdeveloper configuration captured in the below screenshots

 All details can be put together in Jdeveloper to form DBCS Connection. 

   DBCS Objects can be visible from Jdeveloper.


Database Cart is a convenient tool for collecting Oracle Database objects from one or more database connections and deploying, exporting, comparing, or copying those objects. You can put objects into one or more carts, each with its own tab. When the Cart window is opened, it contains an empty cart, although you can create new carts and open previously saved carts in the new or existing cart tab.

Objects in the Cart are not automatically synchronized with database activity; to update the contents of the cart with the current state of the database, click the Refresh icon. If an object does not exist after a refresh, the object is disabled in the Cart and is underlined to indicate the error

You can put database objects into a cart tab in several ways:

Drag and drop objects from the Databases window into the Cart window.

Select one or more objects in the Databases window, right-click, and select Add to Cart.

Go to Viewà DatabaseàDatabase Cart


        Click on “Add To Cart”

Select the Table Name you want to Cart it from Local Database to Cloud Database.


Click on Cloud Icon to fill all the DBCS Details and click on Apply to finish it.



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