OAF Page Deployment Steps in Oracle E-business Suite

OAF Page Deployment Steps 

This article will guide you towards the steps to follow OAF page deployment in Oracle Ebusiness Suite .

In following  Steps , we  will create   a simple Lov Search Page and then migrate it in Ebusiness Suite .

 1. Create a new Project under application and while creating Project Select Items as
 "Workspace Configured Oracle Applications " ,

Provide the Project Name and Click on "Ok"

After providing Project Name , another Wizard appears which asks you to enter the default package. 
Remember whatever structure we going to provide in Default package , the same structure needs to  be created as a path under $JAVA_TOP/classes  directory in server.

In our case we are structuring out default package as 

Based on the above structure , same path needs to be created in the Application Server.

after specifying default package and then Click on Next 

Click on Next to browser Jdbc file & Provide User Name and Password (Which should be of Oracle Applications)  and also provide Application Short Name (SYSADMIN) & Responsibility Key(SYSTEM_ADMINISTRATOR)

 Note: DBC file in R12.1.3 will be available in below path


Copy that file from server and put in dbc_files folder of Jdev folder. After placing the file in dbc folder of Jdev. Browse the file name under DBC_FILE_NAME section , Just like below.

Click on Finish after providing Valid Credentials, Applications and Responsibility Key.

Create  Application Module 

Click on Project and Right click and Select Project Properties and then select ADF business Components and Create Application Module.

Provide the package  name  and AM name , in our case 

Package : "xxnuc.oracle.apps.ak.lov.server"
Name : ListofValuesAM

After providing the above information click on Next.

Click on Next 

Click on Finish

Once Application Module created , Next step is to create  VO i,e.. View Object which will be responsible for fetching data from database. VO will be containing nested queries.

Just Right Click  on the  Project Properties and Click on  New and Under that Select ADF Business Component  click View Object

Select Package Name :xxnuc.oracle.apps.ak.lov.server"

VO name : ListofValuesVO

Click Next

Write below query in query statement 


Click on Next 

Click on  Finish

Attach newly created VO to the AM

Click on ListofValuesAM 

Shuttle back VO to the right side and Click Ok.

Now VO attached to AM , Next step is to create Page where Textfields ,Buttons will be accommodated.

To create  a Page, Click on Web Tier under that Click OA Components in which select  Page 
section and then Click Ok.

Give Page Name like LovPG and Give package name as


LOVPG.xml will be created , click on  region1

Put below values in each column of Region1 

Region Style
AM Definition
Window Title
List of Values Demonstration
List of Customers

Go to the PageLayoutRN and click on New and create a  Region with name MainRN as Region Style with MessageComponentLayout

Once Page has been created successfully , Next step is to create Region . 

To create  a Region, Click on Web Tier under that Click OA Components in which select  Region  section and then Click Ok.

Provide Name as "CustomerRN"
Package as  "xxnuc.oracle.apps.ak.lov.webui" 
Style as    "ListOfValues"

Go to Region Properties , select Scope as Public

Click on Region Structure "CustomerRN"


Right  Click on CustomerRN and select New and then table using Wizard

Select the VO (ListofValuesVO1 ) and click on Next 

Select  Below properties 

Region ID
Region Style

Swap  Attributes to the the Right side  

Select style as messageStyleText

Click on Next to Finish it 

After finishing it , Click on PartyName  Attribute Properties and Set Search Allowed to True  and Selective Search Criteria to  True

With these Lov Region has been created. Now next step is to create an LOV and attach this region to the LOV.

Now next step is to create Lov. Click on MainRN and right Click on New and select messageLovInput

item1 will be created with Item Style messageLovInput. To this item1 attach external Lov 


Right Click on item1  and select lovmap and select below properties as 

LOV Region Item
Return Item
Criteria Item

Now LOV page has been created , Final step is to deploy it in Oracle Applications.  Zip the file from jdev to deploy pages into server.

Go to the Jdev/Myclasses folder  and  from there go to the folder xxnuc/oracle/apps/ak , there will be a folder name called lov which contains java classes and Xml files. zip lov files and migrate those files to the server in your user directory lets say /usr/tmp

After placing this zip file in /usr/tmp  directory , the next step is to unzip it in destination folder.

Before unzipping it , Destination folder needs to be create under $JAVA_TOP/classes directory folder structure should be of same as of default package of Project (xxnuc.oracle.apps.ak), Below steps will guide you to create Destination Folder structure.

Write Below commands 

cd $JAVA_TOP/classes

mkdir xxnuc

cd  xxnuc

mkdir oracle

cd oracle

mkdir apps

cd apps

mkdir ak

cd ak

Once destination Folder structure has been created , Move the zip file from /usr/tmp to destination folder which is nothing but $JAVA_TOP/xxnuc/oracle/apps/ak/.

After successfully transferring ZIP files to destination directory . 

Go to the destination directory and unzip the files by below command

unzip -o $JAVA_TOP/xxnuc/oracle/apps/ak/lov.zip

After executing unzipping command , Directory structure will be created and with these all files with type classes and xml will be deployed into the server

Once files unzipped , Paths will be created with the references to the structures. All class files and Xml will available in its respective folder.

Page and Region xml files needs to be imported into MDS directory.

Which can be done through below steps

Go to below path


and run below command for page & region respectively

java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.XMLImporter $JAVA_TOP /xxnuc/oracle/apps/ak/lov/webui/CustomerLovPG.xml -username apps -password apps -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= <name of HOST>)(PORT=<port_number>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=<SID_NAME>)))"

java oracle.jrad.tools.xml.importer.XMLImporter $JAVA_TOP /xxnuc/oracle/apps/ak/lov/webui/CustomerRN.xml -username apps -password apps -dbconnection "(DESCRIPTION=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=tcp)(HOST= <name of HOST>)(PORT=<port_number>))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=<SID_NAME>)))"

If above command successfully imported then message will display "Import Completed" .

OAF page has been deployed , now it needs to attach to the specific responsibility to access it and for that we need to register a form function.

Create Form Function 

Function Name : CUST_LOV
User Function Name : XXNUC_CUST_LOV 

Go to the Properties  and put type as SSWA jsp function

Click on WebHTML and give the path in HTML Call


Attach the Form Function to appropriate Menu of your Responsibility and then access the Form. If OA page doesn't appear even after adding then bounce the apache  server and try to access the page.


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