Leveraging ATP adapter in OIC to connect ATP Cloud

This article will guide you to configure ATP(Autonomous Transaction Processing Cloud) in the OCI instance and how leveraging ATP adapter we can connect to the ATP cloud database in the OIC instance. 

Log in to OCI Account and follow the navigation depicted in the below screenshot 

Oracle Database -->Autonomous Transaction Processing

Choose Compartment --> Create Autnomous Datbase 

               1. Provide Database Name 
               2. Provide ADMIN Password
               3. Create Autonomous  Database

After clicking on Create Autonomous Database button, ATP Database will be created. 

To access ATP database, click on Tools and then click on Open Database Actions

Provide Username as ADMIN and Password which we have just set 

 SQL Worksheets will be open and that enables you to create database objects such as Tables, PLSQL Packages, Database View, etc.,

ATP database has been created, now if we want to access this database in the Oracle Integration Cloud service then we have to follow certain steps 

The first step is to Download Client Credentials (Wallet) by providing a  password. Once the password created , zip file will be generated.

This Wallet enables wallet owners to manage and edit the security credentials in their Oracle wallets. A wallet is a password-protected container used to store authentication and signing credentials, including private keys, certificates, and trusted certificates needed by SSL.

Wallet file will be downloaded as ZIP  which will contain below files 
  • tnsnames.ora and sqlnet.ora: Network configuration files storing connect descriptors and SQL*Net client-side configuration.

  • cwallet.sso and ewallet.p12: Auto-open SSO wallet and PKCS12 file. The PKCS12 file is protected by the wallet password provided while downloading the wallet.

  • keystore.jks and truststore.jks: Java keystore and truststore files. They are protected by the wallet password provided while downloading the wallet.

  • ojdbc.properties: Contains the wallet related connection property required for JDBC connection. This should be in the same path as tnsnames.ora.

  • README: Contains wallet expiration information and links for Autonomous Database tools and resources.

Now Wallet downloaded, now let's create connection in OIC to connect ATP Cloud instance. Follow the steps depicted in screenshots. 

Select the ATP adapter 

Enter Name for the Connection 

Upload the recent download WalletZip file and provide wallet user name and password 

The next step is to enter the service name without which we cannot proceed further. Service Name can be found from tns.ora in the Wallet zip which we have downloaded recently. Follow the steps depicted in screenshots 

Provide the service name and enter Database ADMIN as user name and password of it. 
Click on Test to validate the connection. 

Connection is successful ! 



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