Create Sample WSDL file using Jdeveloper 12c

Hello to all the learning enthusiasts, As you know to build SOAP based integrations we need sample WSDL files and every time i google it i always grapple then i thought why don't i leverage the Jdeveloper features to create my own WSDL file. Here in this article i will guide how to create your own WSDL through Jdeveloper. 

 Open Jdeveloper à Create Application with Name -> ConcatStringApp


Once Application is created then will create a new Project under the newly created Application  à



Once project created will create folder structures specific to components for example

 The schema folder will have WSDL schema definitions , WSDL folder will have WSDL files and ProxyServices folder will have contents related to proxyservices



So now Project created, next step is to create WSDL.  To create WSDL, we must create Schema definitions and based on that WSDL file will be created.


Click on Schema Folder and Click on XML Schema


Create Schema Definition by following below screenshot 

Once Schema definition (XSD) created , next step is to create WSDL file based on this newly created XSD


Provide the name of WSDL as Concat.wsdl and select Interface Type as Synchronous Interface as our WSDL will have response as well.

select Input and output Response as shown in the screenshot. 

Selecting Input Response from newly created schema definitions 


Selecting output Response from newly created schema definitions 

Click on OK to create WSDL file



This is how your WSDL file looks like


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