Insert data in On Premise Database instance in OIC instance.

OIC offers a variety of connectors to establish connections with external cloud and On-Prem Applications but in some cases, we want to store the response from end point URL into On-Prem Database instance. 

In this article  we will create one table to store the response into On-Prem database table 


Choose scheduled integration , as we will schedule it for certain frequency 

Enter the mandatory fields as shown in the below screenshot 

Drop the Onprem database connector onto the pallet as shown in the figure

In case if you don't know how to create on Prem database connector 

refer this --> 

Configure the OnPrem Database connector by providing the endpoint name and also the operation which you want to perform. Here we are planning to insert data into the table so select Insert operation

Select Schema and the table name where you want to insert data 

select the Table and click on Next

Click on Response Receive

Click on Done

Next step is to create mapping 

click on ResponseReceive as "Success"

Configure the Schedule time lets say every 10 Mins 

Enable the tracking parameter as shown in the below screenshot 

Click on Submit Now to see the records in the database table 

Here you go , congratulation data has been successfully received in Onprem database instance


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